torek, 5. maj 2015

Thank your for contributions and support

The sea is an inspiration also in my art working. I've decided to collect some of my drawings and sketches in a book that is very handy for every pocket or bag.
This is my way to say thank you for your contributions and support.
You can also choose DVD with Cassiopeia building process or a unique thank you postcard.





Morje me navdihuje tudi pri risanju in slikanju. Nekaj risb in oljnih platen preteklih let sem zbral skupaj in nastala je tale knjižica, ki je priročna tudi kot beležnica.  

Knjižico posvečam vsem ljubiteljem morja in jadrnic, prav posebno pa se zahvaljujem tistim, ki ste z dejanji izkazali podporo in pripomogli k uresničitvi mojih sanj.  

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