ponedeljek, 25. maj 2015

Cassiopeia - stages of construction

The following works will be my challenges and occupation in the near future:

  • buying and installing the motor
  • abrasion of the hull and fine epoxy application
  • completion of the deck with teak wood
  • mast erection
  • equipment assembling
  • inboard furniture
  • making of sails

Thank you to everybody that is supporting me!
Slowly I'm raising funds for a new motor.
Indiegogo campaign looks a bit exotic for my followers but it's never too late to join and support wooden schooner building at  http://igg.me/at/dan-cassiopeia   

petek, 15. maj 2015

Oldtimer sailing event in Piran

During Internautica boat show, which was held at Marina Portoroz, I stopped with works for a few days. I exhibited Cassiopeia and promoted the project to publics.

After this event the working days continue. Latest news in the next blog.
Follow me at http://igg.me/at/dan-cassiopeia

And the most exciting news! I was joining "old- timer sailing regatta in Piran" as a crew member of Roberta. No need to tell how beautiful this sailing boat is, just see the photo. Living a dream!!


Roberta III, over 100 years old
sailing boat 
Sandokan on the right-
May sister Lara, age 16, helming Sandokan!
Bravo Lara, najmlajša krmarka na regati. 


Greetings from Piran - old timer sailing regatta 2015

For the first time joining this regatta when I was 14 with my Sschkrgha.
Prvič na regati starih bark v Piranu kot najmlajši udeleženec s svojo jadrnico pri 14 ih.
Schkrgha je sedaj naprodaj.

petek, 8. maj 2015

The God of the sea Neptune meeting Cassiopeia

There were many interesting persons visiting Cassiopeia, even the God of the sea Neptune!
Stay with me at: http://igg.me/at/dan-cassiopeia

bog morja Neptun ob Cassioppei
                                           moji sošolci, bodoči pomorci, na obisku

predsednk RS Borut Pahor drugič ob Cassiopei - pogovor o napredku
tudi novinarji so bili radovedni

župan občine Piran Peter Bossman navdušen nad projektom

četrtek, 7. maj 2015

Help me build Cassiopeia. Join the project.

Dear Friends,
I need your help to build Cassiopeia :)
Please follow this link and click on a perk.
You can visit me on Internautica fair in Portoroz this weekend.
Thank you,

Working moments and challenges...

There are some photos of my latest works - mostly strengthen details and wood sculpturing.

Huge thank you to those who were "early birds" supporting my campaign at Indiegogo.com
I hope my next engagement will be buying and installing new motor.

Cassiopeio in napredek pri gradnji lahko pogledate tudi na sejmu Internautice, od 5. do 10. maja, v Portorožu. Vabljeni!
Cassiopeia is exhibited at Internautica boat show, 5th - 10th May, Portoroz Slovenia

torek, 5. maj 2015

Thank your for contributions and support

The sea is an inspiration also in my art working. I've decided to collect some of my drawings and sketches in a book that is very handy for every pocket or bag.
This is my way to say thank you for your contributions and support.
You can also choose DVD with Cassiopeia building process or a unique thank you postcard.





Morje me navdihuje tudi pri risanju in slikanju. Nekaj risb in oljnih platen preteklih let sem zbral skupaj in nastala je tale knjižica, ki je priročna tudi kot beležnica.  

Knjižico posvečam vsem ljubiteljem morja in jadrnic, prav posebno pa se zahvaljujem tistim, ki ste z dejanji izkazali podporo in pripomogli k uresničitvi mojih sanj.  

ponedeljek, 4. maj 2015

Wellcome to Indiegogo campaign WOODEN BOAT CASSIOPEIA – DAN POLJSAK, age 18

I can't wait for the day to finish Cassiopeia and sail away to discover new horizons.
Peers, sea lovers and sailing boat enthusiasts follow my story and I decided to raise funds through global crowdfunding engine Indiegogo.com to finish Cassiopeia.
You can find and support my campaign at

http://igg.me/at/dan-cassiopeia - "WOODEN BOAT CASSIOPEIA – DAN POLJSAK, age 18”

Everybody is kindly invited to participate and spread the word about Cassiopeia project. Even a symbolic contribution can make a big difference that will help me finish the works.  
Thank you!  Let the sea connect us into the circle of life and love,

Promotional video "Love for the sea and sailing boats"

Wooden sailing boat Cassiopeia - Dan Poljsak, age 18: 

Pa še slovenska različica filma za moje prijatelje, znance in sorodnike:

Cassiopeia building process, 2nd stage

 I put around 2000 hours of my spare time and I am halfway through the works. The boat hull is almost ready, another 2000 work hours are needed. I have enough will and courage to finish the boat but my main problem is funding . Therefore I’ve decided to promote my project at Indigogo.com. I believe this is the right way to collect finances to finish the works. 

I have to buy teak wood for the deck, install the  motor and 2 masts, paint the boat and buy on-board equipment.        
I look forward to all the challenges in front of me and I can't wait for the day to sail away and discover new horizons.
I hope that my story will inspire peers and push them into action. I am convinced that it is worth following your deepest desires.

ponedeljek, 23. marec 2015

Working in dust

This spring I have some huge works to do and lots of finance to collect. But before I come there I needed to do some other works. Polishing and staying in dust for hours. That isn't some exiting news. Oh, but I have one nice memory to share. I joined the regatta  for "Slovenia Maritime Day". The wind was strong and it was quite an adventure. There were many crews resigning. In the evening special ceremony was held with guest keynote speaker, European Commissioner Violeta Bulc, who promised to visit Cassiopeia.

 Escape from work - Slovenia Maritime day regatta
 Dusty days - polishing inside of Cassiopeia...

sreda, 11. marec 2015


There are some people that are helping me at work. Especially my family members and my mentor Ivica who spend many volunteer hours instructing me. His knowledge and experiences are very special and hard to find these days.
I've put around 2000 working hours in the past 1,5 year into Cassiopeia besides high school, sport's sailing and other activities. And I'm very thankful to all the people that helped me realizing my dreams. There's still lots of work to do and I have a very strong will and determination.

nedelja, 1. marec 2015

Repairing the tent after the winter chills

I hope that the winter is over. We had some strong wind in February over 100km/h.

It damaged two walls of my tent. And so my dad and me changed them. 

It took us two days of sewing.

The nice part is that I could take a picture of the entire boat.

Finally we are working again! The temperature is high enough for glewing.

ponedeljek, 23. februar 2015

Wooden schooner Cassiopeia: Connection with nature

Wooden schooner Cassiopeia: Connection with nature: I have very special memories connected to Sečovlje salt-pans: my first sailing steps, pirate games and and very strong connection with natu...

Connection with nature

I have very special memories connected to Sečovlje salt-pans:
my first sailing steps, pirate games and and very strong connection with nature.

Salt flower geathered in a thin layer on the surface of the salt basins

 I've learnt many things about salt crystals. Alchemists believed salt was the fifth element after water, soil, air and fire.  

 Playing with my sister Lara

Sailing adventure with our dog Luna

Next challenge - production of masts

I had to perform 2 months of school practice and I decided to produce  wooden masts for Cassiopeia as the main task. The challenge was qu...